Afternoon Shopper Assistant
0 Signed up of 6 Open Spots

The Shopper Assistant helps guide the client through our warehouse while following behind with a cart, stickers, Shopper Limit Guide, and the referral sheet (which acts as a notepad and holds information regarding the client's Home and household size).
All volunteers interested in the SA role must complete a 2-hour Shopper Assistant Training, typically available twice a month.
Once completed, the volunteer is required to shadow 3 shopping appointments and be shadowed for 1 appointment.
Sticker each item that is chosen and load up the smaller items onto the cart. Write down any items that are being left on the warehouse floor (and cannot be placed on the cart). Additionally, write down any notes (for ex: the client would like an additional dresser if possible- the green, small one). This way we can take time to determine if we can fulfill their wishes or not. Remember, we try to under-promise and over-deliver!
Make sure to follow the flow of the warehouse, so you won't accidentally forget to offer certain items.
Keep shopping appointments at 40 minutes maximum. After the appointment is over, please walk the client out to the front door and express our gratitude for their visit!

  • Shopper Training Required
  • Guide clients through the warehouse to select items
  • Pack items after shopping
  • Complete Inventory Form
  • Date:
    12:00 pm - 3:00 pm
    Home Sweet Home
    Requirments:Shopper Training
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